1. 了解信息
- I know his address, but Im not sure if he still lives there.
- She knows a lot about history, especially ancient civilizations.
2. 认识某人
- I know John from college. We were in the same study group.
- Theyve known each other for years and are very close friends.
3. 具备技能
- He knows how to play the piano very well.
- She knows three foreign languages fluently.
4. 确信某事
- I know that you can do it; I have confidence in you.
- He knew in his heart that it was the right decision.
5. 熟悉某地
- I know this city like the back of my hand; I grew up here.
- She knows the park very well and can show you the best spots.
6. 了解内情
- Hes in the know about the companys plans for expansion.
- If you want to know the truth, ask someone who is in the know.
7. 精通某事
- She knows computers back to front; shes a real expert.
- He knows the tricks of the trade and can fix any problem that comes up.
8. 听说某人
- I know of John, but Ive never met him personally.
- She knows about the new restaurant in town and wants to try it out.
9. 了解基础
- Before you start the course, make sure you know your ABCs.
- He doesnt even know the basics; he needs to start from the beginning.
10. 熟悉某人
- I know her by sight, but weve never spoken.
- They know each other through mutual friends and have met a few times.
- 上一篇: 只是太爱你的歌词(03/19更新)
- 下一篇: 孩子背不过古诗怎么办(03/19更新)