主要 英文
1. main:通常用来描述在一系列事物中最为重要或显著的部分,常作定语。例如:the main reason(主要原因),the main road(主要道路)。
2. major:侧重于与同类其他事物相比更加重大或突出。例如:major crops(主要作物),major plays(主要剧本)。
3. primary:通常不用于人,用于物时强调从重要性方面占主导位置。例如:the primary body in our neighborhood(我们的宇宙邻居中的主要天体),the primary purpose of education(教育的主要目的)。
4. chief:用于人时表示职位最高、权力最大,用于物时表示最主要的、首要的。例如:the chief beneficiary(主要受益人),the chief problem(首要问题)。
5. principal:与primary用法相似,表示最重要的。例如:the principal religions(主要宗教),the principal dancer(头牌舞蹈演员)。
6. prime:强调是“最主要的”,用法与primary相似。例如:the prime indicator(主要指标),the prime task(主要任务)。
7. staple:指主食、主要产品、某物的主要部分或主要活动等。例如:a staple food(主食),a staple product(主要产品)。
8. primarily:作为副词,更强调某事物的首要性质或最重要的部分,通常用于强调某事物的根本性质或基本属性。例如:His job primarily involves data analysis.(他的工作主要是数据分析。)。
9. mainly:作为副词,更常用于描述某事物的主要部分或占据主要份额的情况,而不强调其根本性质。例如:The conference is mainly focused on environmental issues.(这次会议主要关注环境问题。)。
"主要的"是一个形容词,用来描述某事物在整体中占重要地位或者起决定性作用。在英语中,我们通常使用"main"这个词来表达相似的概念。例如,"main goal"就是指主要目标,"main street"指的是主要街道。
在不同的语境中,"主要的"可以有多种表达方式。当我们需要强调某事物的重要性或者优先级时,除了使用"main"之外,还可以使用"primary"、"important"、"key"等词汇。例如,"The primary/main reason"表示主要的原因,"An important/key factor"表示一个重要的因素。
在句子中,"主要的"往往与一些名词搭配使用,如"主要的任务"、"主要的角色"、"主要的城市"等。在英文中,与之对应的表达可能有"main task"、"main role"、"major city"等。这些表达方式都能准确地传达出某事物在整体中的重要地位。
Notre Dame de Paris was published by Victoria Hugo in 1831 and is one of his many historical novels, set in fifteenth century Paris. The archdeacon of Notre Dame, a certain Claude Frollo, falls in lust with Esmerelda - a gypsy dancer - who is much admired by the crowds of the city. At his instruction, Quasimodo, the grotesque hunchbacked bell-ringer of Notre Dame who he has befriended, kidnaps her. Her rescue is brought about by Phoebus de Chateaupers (Captain of the Royal Archers) and she falls mistakenly in love with his bravery when he is in reality something of a rogue and a braggart. Frollo follows Esmerelda to a meeting with Phoebus who he satbs before her leaving her to be sentenced to death for the murder. Quasimodo has become her effective slave due to a single act of kindness and takes her to sanctuary in the cathedral. Adventures follow including a band of gypsies attempt to save Esmerelda from the cathedral, the disguised Frollo’s persuasion of the girl to leave with him and the brief return of Esmerelda to her mother. The sad finale involves the Archers’ fierce arrest of Esmerelda, her hanging and Quasimodo’s wretched misery at the loss of the girl. There is some retribution for Frollo however, and the story, though not always following history very closely, presents a vivid picture of medieval Paris.