头像 英文
- avatar:原本来自梵文“avatarana”,字面意思是“下凡”,在印度神话中,指神灵降临人间的化身。在网络时代,它指个人在网络虚拟环境中的化身,即代表用户形象的图像。这个词更侧重于虚拟形象,比如网络游戏或网络聊天中的虚拟化身,不一定是真实人物的图像,也可以是卡通、动漫等形象。例如:You can customize your avatar in the game.(你可以在游戏中自定义你的头像。)
- profile photo/picture:这是比较常用的表达,直译为“个人资料图片”,强调是在个人资料页面等展示的代表个人的图片,既可以是本人的照片,也可以是其他能代表自己的图片。比如微信英文版中,“头像”显示的就是“profile photo”。例如:She changed her profile picture to a beautiful scenery.(她把她的头像换成了一张美丽的风景图。)
- head portrait:这个表达比较侧重于指头部的肖像画或雕塑等,通常是对人物头部的刻画或描绘。比如在描述艺术作品中的人物头像,或者用 clay(粘土)等材料塑造的头像时,会常用这个词。例如:The artist created a wonderful head portrait with oil paint.(这位艺术家用油画创作了一幅精彩的头像。)
另外,“head picture”有时也被理解为“头像”,但更准确的意思是“头部特写”。“icon”也有人用来表示“头像”,但它更常见的意思是“图标”“偶像”“崇拜对象”。
谁可以给我许嵩《灰色头像》的英文歌词啊! 跪求了~~~
Gray picture(灰色头像) Vae Had a dream last night Dream we go back to holding hands Wake of loss Unspeakable Open oicq Chat stop late autumn of last year The final retention Unspoken We are still friends Is that the most distant friend You gave gentle In the record All maintain You will not beat the gray picture Even a simple greeting Heart to heart more than the exchange of a page looked sad What is the fall off Also remember you said to me in the end Warm color of dreams, cold chains If we can turn back the clock what sense of filial piety Open OICQ Chat stop late autumn of last year The final retention Unspoken We are still friends Is that the most distant friend You gave gentle In the record You will not beat the gray picture Even a simple greeting Heart to heart more than the exchange of a page looked sad What is the fall off Also remember you said to me in the end Warm color of dreams, cold chains If we can turn back the clock what sense of filial piety When I found the so-called wake up is another dream (You are not of this world) Export scattered dream too heavy fog does not open (You are not of this world) Even if the request had shouted themselves hoarse to make you stay Do not go hard Useless Gray picture will not be beating quietly quietly I despair overflow chest What is the fall off You will not beat the gray picture Warm color of dreams, cold chains If we can turn back the clock what sense of filial piety
进入QQ空间 ,点击个人档 。
管理中的个人信息管理 , 点个性头像 。
如果你没有苹果的话 就只能在系统头像里选择你喜欢的头像 。
如果你的等级达到了苹果级别 就可以选择自定义头像上传 。
没有苹果有黄钻的话还可以上传动态头像 。
你若申请了城市达人 也可以用城市达人的头像做QQ空间头像 。
个人形象截取 就是你QQ空间的个人形象(个人信息管理下的个人形象)中进行截取当作你的空间头像。
QQ秀截取就是 在你现在的QQ秀中进行截取,也可以当作QQ空间头像 。
- 上一篇: 孙权劝学句子赏析(02/17更新)
- 下一篇: 好看的修佛小说推荐(求点修佛类的小说)