商店 英文
- shop
- 释义:在英式英语中,一般的商店通常称为“shop”,用来指代一个零售场所或营业场所,人们可以在其中购买商品或服务。它可以用于描述一个小规模的经营场所,也可用于指代大型连锁商店,但更常指小型零售店或专营某种特定商品的店铺。
- 常见搭配:bookshop(书店)、flower shop(花店)、barber shop(理发店)、coffee shop(咖啡店)、print shop/printing shop(打印店)、bike shop/bicycle shop(自行车店)。
- store
- 释义:在美式英语中,一般的商店通常称为“store”。可指各种规模和类型的商店,但更常用于指较大的零售商店或超市。“store”还有“储存”“储备”的意思,作动词时主要表示“贮存”“储藏”。
- 常见搭配:department store(百货商店)、grocery store(杂货店)、warehouse store(仓储式商店)、clothing store(服装店)、hardware store(五金店)。
- supermarket:指的是大型的自选式购物场所,主要售卖食品、日用品等各类商品,规模一般比普通的store和shop要大。
- boutique:通常指精品店,主要销售时尚服装、饰品等高档或独特的商品,一般规模较小,注重商品的品质和风格。
- mall:指的是大型购物中心,里面包含了许多不同类型的商店、餐厅、娱乐设施等,是一个综合性的商业场所。
- kiosk:指报亭、售货亭等小型的简易售货摊位,通常在街头、商场等地方出现,售卖报纸、杂志、小吃、饮料等商品。
- stand:也可表示摊位,比如水果摊可以说“fruit stand”,通常是比较简单、临时性的销售点。
商店: [ shāng diàn ]
1. store
2. shop
1. 我在去图书馆的路上经过了那家商店。
I passed the store on my way to the library.
2. 我在街道对面的连锁商店里买了这只面包。
I bought this loaf of bread in the chain store opposite the street.
3. 这家商店概不赊欠。
No credit is given at this shop.
4. 商店就在附近。
The shops are quite handy.
5. 这个商店专门出售巧克力。
This shop specializes in chocolates.
6. 这家商店因公平交易而获好名声。
This store has an excellent reputation for fair dealing.
7. 我在这家商店里买了一品脱牛奶。
I bought a pint of milk in the store.
8. 他从商店里得到了几张优惠券。
He redeemed several coupons at the store.
关于服装店的英语作文 (初一)
Clothing store
We have heard very familiar with the clothing store, which is the amount you-sew clothing.
I have a dream that in the future to open a clothing store of their own, sound equipment, a comfortable environment for people, not very high, is sufficient.
In my mind, clothing stores, not just the production of clothing, only to the people of the United States and a reflection of my thinking is, I have to let everyone through their clothing did not reflect all confident, happy Life, happy to spend every day in order to put on clothing to change views.
I am confident that I will succeed, I will change the meaning of clothing, but to reflect all of the United States.
Welcome to my store.
学习是一件愉快的事! (^__^)
- 上一篇: 中南大学美术生录取分数线(中南大学艺术类录取分数线2023)
- 下一篇: 过来造句(02/15更新)