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0 新人999 新人999 2025-01-27 07:15 10






      - 爱情与灾难:这部电影以1912年泰坦尼克号沉船事件为背景,讲述了Jack和Rose跨越社会阶层的爱情故事。尽管剧情简单,但爱情故事却扣人心弦。电影通过他们的视角展现了泰坦尼克号的沉没,令人印象深刻。

      - 人性的反思:泰坦尼克号被称为“永不沉没的轮船”,但灾难的发生揭示了人类在自然面前的渺小,讽刺了人类的自负。电影也展现了人性中的勇敢、牺牲和爱。


      - 励志与奋斗:影片讲述了Liz在贫困和苦难中,凭借自己的努力和毅力,最终考上哈佛大学的励志故事。她的经历让人深刻体会到,只有读书成才才能改变命运。

      - 希望与勇气:Liz面对家庭的困境和生活的挑战,始终保持着对未来的希望,她的勇气和坚持激励着每一个观众,无论遇到多大的困难,只要勇敢追求,就有可能实现梦想。


      - 成长与勇气:Simba在经历叔叔的阴谋和父亲的去世后,被迫离开家园。在朋友们的帮助下,他最终战胜了叔叔,成长为勇敢的动物王国之王。这部电影教会我们,友谊和坚持是克服困难的关键。

      - 责任与担当:Simba的故事也让我们明白,成长意味着承担责任,面对挑战时要勇敢站出来,保护自己所爱的人和事物。


      - 忠诚与等待:这部电影讲述了一只名叫Hachi的秋田犬,每天准时在车站等待主人归来,即使主人已经去世,它也依然坚守,直到生命的最后一刻。它的忠诚和坚持令人动容。

      - 人与动物的情感:Hachi的故事让我们深刻体会到人与动物之间深厚的情感纽带,也提醒我们要珍惜身边的爱和陪伴。


      - 保护与关爱:影片讲述了一只小熊猫在逃离人类追捕后,被女孩卢娃照顾并送回家的故事。它提醒我们,熊猫是国家的国宝,我们应该保护它们,与自然和谐相处。

      - 勇气与善良:卢娃的勇敢和善良令人感动,她用自己的行动诠释了保护动物的重要性,也激励着我们要关爱身边的每一个生命。



An Interesting Book The DA VINCI CODE is really a good book!
Its very interesting.Although I dont have the knowledge of religion,I am crazy about it!However,my foreign teacher told me that some people who believe in Jesus dont like this book.
They hold the opinion that the book tells them something wrong.Because I know nothing about religion,I am not sure if it is true.I think that everything has pros and cons,we should learn the good things from the book and dont care about the bad things.
We can benefit from reading.We can learn lots of knowledge from books.
Lets read.Books are the food of our spirit.


《哈利波特》英文读后感Ive just fininshed reading the first 4 Harry Potter books for about the 5th time through, and theyre just as magical and affecting as they have ever been. Everything is in here: suspense, adventure, mystery, humour, danger. Theres even some pretty satisfying paybacks. The characters are fantastic and fantastically realistic. There are bad people who turn out to be good guys and good people who turn out to be bad guys, just like life.
I think the thing I like best about these books is the message that its okay to be different - to be not "normal." I would love for everyone in school to have hear that message. It would probably reduce the bullying around the school.
These books value real thoughts. Much has been made of Harrys rule breaking, but only once in the series so far does he break a rule for arbitrary personal gain. Most of the time he makes a decision that whats right is more important than whats written. And you know what? Lifes like that sometimes. I think its great that kids are getting an example of how to do whats right even when it involves breaking rules. The Potter books also show that there are consequences for rule breaking. If not getting caught and getting a detention, then a spell going wrong and someone getting turned into a cat. This shows that when you make a decision to go against the rules that things may not go as you expected and you have to take responsibility for the outcome.



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