“Face/Off” is an intense and spectacular action movie directed by John Woo. The film features two talented actors, John Travolta and Nicholas Cage, in leading roles.
Travolta plays Sean Archer, an FBI agent seeking revenge after losing his son to notorious criminal Castor Troy, played by Cage. After Archer captures Troys brother Pollux, he agrees to undergo a face transplant to infiltrate prison and extract information about an impending bomb threat.
The plot thickens when Troy discovers the switch and assumes Archers identity, leading to a thrilling cat-and-mouse game. Both actors deliver outstanding performances, effectively portraying each others characters.
While the supporting cast is overshadowed by Travolta and Cage, the films action sequences and unique concept make it a must-watch for action fans. John Woos direction and the scripts novelty contribute to the movies overall impact.
变脸/夺面双雄 我看的第一部他的电影,两个字,好看,从次记住他了 face off