- 第一人称视角:尼克作为叙述者,既参与故事又保持距离,其视角为读者提供了对盖茨比及其周围人物的深刻洞察。
- 非线性叙事:通过尼克的回忆和倒叙,故事逐渐展开,增加了神秘感和深度。
- 盖茨比:理想主义者,对黛西的爱近乎痴迷,他的悲剧命运揭示了美国梦的虚幻。
- 黛西:外表美丽,内心空虚,她的选择反映了20世纪20年代美国社会的物质主义和道德沦丧。
- 尼克:诚实、敏锐的观察者,他的道德判断与周围人的堕落形成对比。
- 绿灯:象征盖茨比对美国梦和黛西的渴望,代表了希望和追求。
- 眼睛:广告牌上的眼睛象征上帝之眼,见证了社会的道德堕落。
- 派对:盖茨比的派对象征了爵士时代的浮华和空虚,人们沉迷于物质享受,缺乏真正的交流。
- 优美的描写:菲茨杰拉德的语言细腻而富有诗意,如对盖茨比家宴会的描写,营造出一种梦幻般的氛围。
- 深刻的对白:人物对话简洁而富有深意,展现了人物的性格和内心世界。
- 美国梦的破灭:盖茨比的奋斗和失败揭示了美国梦的虚幻,即物质成功并不能带来真正的幸福和满足。
- 道德的沦丧:小说中的人物普遍缺乏道德底线,反映了20世纪20年代美国社会的道德堕落。
- 爱情的幻象:盖茨比对黛西的爱是一种理想化的幻象,他的悲剧在于无法接受现实的残酷。
The Great Gatsby, a masterpiece by F. Scott Fitzgerald, serves as a reflection of the American society and dreams during the Jazz Age. The novel, set in the roaring twenties, showcases the disillusionment of the American dream and the moral decay of the upper class.
Fitzgerald, recognized as one of the most influential American authors of the 20th century, delves into the complexities of the American psyche and society through his vivid depiction of life in New York and Long Island. His novel, which gained him a permanent place in the annals of American literature, solidifies his status as a spokesperson for the "Jazz Age" and a representative of the "Lost Generation."
The narrative revolves around Nick Carraway, an aspiring writer who moves to New York in search of his American dream. Nick becomes acquainted with the enigmatic and wealthy Gatsby, who is shrouded in mystery. As Nick gets to know Gatsby, he uncovers the man's journey from a humble background to a life of opulence, all in pursuit of his lost love, Daisy.
The 1920s, often referred to as the "Roaring Twenties," were a period of rapid economic growth in the United States. However, this prosperity was accompanied by a moral and societal shift, as people's values and morals began to erode. Fitzgerald masterfully captures this era and its impact on the American psyche, particularly within the high society.
The story follows Nick, who is intrigued by Gatsby's lavish lifestyle and his past. Gatsby, who had fallen in love with Daisy during the war, became a millionaire to win her back. His relentless pursuit of Daisy leads him to a tragic end, as he ultimately realizes that his love for her was in vain.
As the plot unfolds, Gatsby's obsession with Daisy leads to unforeseen consequences, including a fateful accident involving Daisy and her husband Tom's mistress, Myrtle Wilson. Gatsby, in his attempt to protect Daisy, ends up paying the ultimate price.
Throughout the novel, Fitzgerald explores themes such as the American dream, the moral decay of society, the role of symbols, and the significance of setting. These themes intertwine, providing a comprehensive insight into the complexities of human nature and the societal expectations of the time.
The narrative offers a critical analysis of the American dream, highlighting its paradoxical nature during the Jazz Age. The pursuit of wealth and status often leads to disillusionment and loss, as exemplified by Gatsby's tragic fate.
The novel's exploration of these themes offers valuable insights into the nature of human desires, the fleeting nature of success, and the consequences of societal expectations. Through the intricate narrative and vivid descriptions, Fitzgerald challenges the reader to question the true meaning of success, love, and the American dream.
For students and enthusiasts of literature, The Great Gatsby serves as a quintessential study on the complexities of human nature, societal expectations, and the pursuit of the American dream. It invites readers to delve into the intricacies of Fitzgerald's writing, uncovering the underlying themes and symbolism that contribute to the novel's enduring legacy.
【书评】《了不起的盖茨比》Daisy: A Beautiful Foolish Girl, A Murderer
在Nick与Daisy初见的聊天中,Daisy 提到自己的女儿,说了这样一段话: “I hope she’ll be a fool —that’s the best thing a girl can be in this world, a beautiful little fool.” 然而看到这句话,我想到的不是她的女儿,而是Daisy自己。全文中作者笔下的她,美丽精致,娇柔无辜,甚至楚楚可怜;她说的话七零八落,漫无边际,让读者迷惑的同时又被其中的莫名的浪漫所惊奇、吸引。 这样一个天真又无辜的女人,构成了盖茨比不计一切追求的幻梦,也注定了盖茨比梦破身死的结局 ——无知让Daisy成为凶手,她谋害了自己,也杀死了盖茨比。
如果盖茨比表露出来的是让人安心的稳重,那Daisy却总像天上的云彩,或一缕浮香,慵懒虚幻地飘着,不可捉摸,不知所向。从Daisy与Nick初次见面时在荒唐(absurd)的调笑声所说的“I’m p-paralyzed with happiness”中就可以预料到Daisy夸张,肤浅的情绪;她与朋友的谈资中,不是派对就是华服,或是一些用于炫耀的陌生的奢侈;在此类“上流”的对话中,她回复得大多简短,随意,散漫,好像根本没有注意自己在说什么,或者根本不知道自己在说什么。这些破碎的话语从她温柔的声音中流出,我见犹怜,好像她是一个脆弱迷惘的女孩,迷失在流光溢彩的物欲中,四处乱走,不知所措。
事实上,Daisy已经迷失了,连Nick和Gatsby也注意到Daisy的异常。“ her voice is full of money .”盖茨比这样说,是对Daisy最贴切的形容。她没有为了盖茨比不顾一切;也没有为了钱财欲望不顾一切,因为她的声音充满“金钱”而非“欲望”——金钱是那个时代的主题,欲望却是内心的选择。她在徘徊——徘徊在过去与现在,旧爱与新欢之中;她在挣扎——挣扎在时代的洪流与模糊的自我之间。随着故事的展开,我们也逐渐领悟到, Daisy破碎散漫的言语下是一片空虚和腐败,她的世界里没有责任,没有意义,所以没有重量,虚幻迷惘。
Daisy不过也是一个可怜人。她不是天真无知的,只是被这个时代所愚弄、困惑了的foolish girl,而 正是这样的迷茫将她拖入杀人的陷阱,谋害了盖茨比的性命 。
联想到这一切,在读到Daisy杀人逃逸后,我也并没有太吃惊。毕竟她一直在迷茫中怯懦,在时代物欲洪流的裹挟中装睡,做着逃避的梦。只是这样的“无知迷惘”酝酿着更大的悲剧—— 这样一份只剩精致无辜包装的爱情,构成了盖茨比长达五年的幻梦,直到他死,也没有意识到其中的空虚。
无论是Daisy还是Gatsby都是受害者,都是那个麻木,肤浅,空虚的战后时代的可怜人。那时的美国人在醉生梦死中颓靡堕落,也在穷奢极欲中做着“美国梦”。看似坚固的梦想,却由虚弱的材料铸就。Daisy的梦,Gatsby的梦的幻灭, 不知是对美国梦命运的一些预示,还是本身就是这一华丽“金玉”中的一缕“败絮”?
因为这个定语从句从空格开始,你把它变为陈述句:This research center is _____ you visited the modern equipment last year. 那么你会发现空格没有先行词,所以要加the one, 然后后面缺的是地点,所以要用where
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